Wellness and Detoxification
We offer a wide variety of unique and natural wellness and body detoxification modalities that synergistically are designed to support and encourage a physiologic release of toxicity stored within the body. This toxicity is accumulated and stored in tissues from an overload of life environmental exposures (i.e. gasoline from pumping your own gas, mold from your living or work environment, smoke inhalation, personal care exposures, toxic diets including GMO (genetically modified foods) and pesticides). We are also exquisite at mitigating the discomforts that can arise from moving these toxins by utilizing a custom designed testing modality that is proprietary to our clinic. We are able to get laser focused on the nutritional needs that arise as you are letting go of these bound toxins. We believe that purifying and cleansing the body allows for the clarity within the immune system necessary to heal and rejuvenate the body. This is WELLNESS!
Keywords: Body Detox, Lyme, Nutrition, Blood Type Diet, Mercury, Autism, Fibromyalgia, pesticides, MCS, EI, Cell Phones, radiation, chronic fatigue, metals, detoxification, Christ, Jesus, health, wellness, healing, natural healing, emotional detox,